Privacy Policies

Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy

Use of personal information 

Simples identified with RUC 20606169711 is the owner of the database in which you give your free and explicit consent so that the information referring to your name and surname, email, telephone number, city of residence, date of birth, cell phone number and ID number, is collected in order to send you commercial information: promotions, campaigns, sweepstakes, offers and the like, by digital or physical means.

Use of Cookies

We can use “cookies” to confirm your identification, personalize your access to this site and review the use of this site in order to improve your navigation and its conditions of functionality. A “cookie” is a small file stored on your computer to keep track of movements within this site, such as visits to the home page and advertising. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and that user’s computer. The user can change their internet preferences to reject the use of “cookies”.

Modifications to out Privacy Policies

Simples reserves the right to modify, rectify, alter, add or eliminate any point of this writing at any time and without prior notice, being its responsibility to keep informed of it for an adequate administration of your information.

Confidentiality of personal data

Likewise, Simples will keep confidentiality regarding personal data and their background. You may only reveal confidential data when there is prior, informed, express and unequivocal consent of the owner of the personal data, consented or enforceable judicial decision, or when there are well-founded reasons related to national defense, public security or public health.


The personal data that is stored, used or transmitted will remain in the Simples Databases for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Policy. In the case of clients and former clients, workers, contractors and suppliers, their personal data related to the fulfillment or execution of their commercial relationship will be kept at least for the term established by the applicable regulations.